What is a paradigm?

The word paradigm has grown to be quite complex having different meaning for different groups, and is even used to refer to a person’s personal worldview, the beliefs that colors the way they see reality. Our personal paradigm literally creates the world we seen and live in, more on that soon. This idea that our personal paradigm creates the world we see is quite hard for most people to believe, and the purpose of this site is to shows you why this is true.

I will be using the definition that is used by science. So, in science a paradigm is the consensus set of beliefs that science works from. It is important to understand that science is not the absolute true, but a belief based on math and experiments. It could be close to the truth, but is still just a belief. This is because the only way we can know anything is what we experience throw our five senses, and the bases programmed in our brain. Our senses could be laying to us and they do lay to us all the time. So, science in not this slow moving growth of true knowledge, which is most people’s belief and perception. Instead scientist develops a consensus set of beliefs from the information available, and that is the best knowledge we can have at that moment. So, one of the important parts of wisdom is to understand paradigms, and that the truth is the best paradigm we have at any moment.

The present, but changing, science paradigm is call materialism, and there are four laws of materialism. The laws of materialism are Here. The material belief system in on a septum from atheism, the belief that nothing exist except the matter we see around us, to what is called Dualism. Dualism is the belief that there are two realities: one real and hard, and a second that is on a different plane i.e., heaven. The idealism paradigm says there is only one plane of reality, which is spiritual. The physical reality is just a illusion we experience. When we die the illusion disappears. The spiritual reality has no dimension and beyond our ability to understand when experiencing physical reality.

For an example paradigm shift.


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