To make sure we are on the some page we start with what classical science believed where the four laws of MATERIALIEM. This laws still applied for engineering and everyday experience, but are wrong with used to understand the truth of reality.

#1 The assumption that nothing exist that is not made of matter (there in no life beyond death).

#2 is called Strong Objectivity it is the idea that noting can be in two place at once or in the same place.

#3 Causal Determinism

The motor causes the yellow gear to turn. Then the yellow gear causes the Blue gear to turn. Then the Blue gear causes the Red Gear to turn, which in turn causes the Green gear to turn. This is called Causation. One event causes the next. This is the way everything in the machine reality works including our brain. Nothing happens unless something causes it to happen. The motor here is said to be the “first cause” because it started the gears to go. This ideal of a “first cause” is a big problem with materialism because it deny any force that could start the chain of events. Now, because there is a set number of gears above, one can measure each of the gears size and speed, and Determine what the last gear will do without turning on the motor. In other words predict the future. This is way Materialism is call Causal Determinism.

#4 Next
